Now that you are learning to have fun you need to understand the world is not made up of people just like you. In fact we are all unique. Most of us are uniquely gifted whether we know it or not. Hopefully in learning how to have fun you may discover what some of your unique gifts might be. This is because we are usually drawn towards thing we are good at. In discovering what we are good at we tend to enjoy it more.
For example if you take up running you may find you are good at it and enter a race. What fun! Pus you are rewarded by being more fit. If you have success in completing your race there is even more enjoyment and you hopefully strive harder.
If it is Bridge you enjoy, you may become more skilled in time and similar to the runner enter Bridge Tournaments.
If Birdwatching is interesting to you, you’ll likely go on nice walks you and may end up contributing to international bird surveys or similar. Whatever you enjoy, it is likely you will become skilled in that activity. This brings more self pride and happiness.
However as you are learning to enjoy yourself, and as you are increasingly participating in life with others you will find humans who do not share your joy. On the flip side, always know there are sociopathic evil people out there as well. They are to be totally ignored and avoided at all cost.
Again, people who say or do upsetting things are to be ignored and avoided.
Bad people can not be allowed to upset you.
The only decent way to change a bad persons behavior is to ignore them.
Anger towards such individuals entices them to indulge in worse behavior.
Ignoring malevolent individuals frustrates them.
When done properly and consistently the negative individual eventually moves on to a target they can more easily upset. You became to difficult for them.
So the best way to handle mean people is to ignore them!
Let no one stop you from enjoying your life. If you are having fun, while hurting no one, well
Have a Great Day Let No One Get In Your Way!
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